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Department of Social Sciences

Welcome to the website for the
professorship "Environmental sociology"


New Study on Emotion Work in the Slaughterhouse

New article by Marcel Sebastian in "Agriculture and Human Values"
First page of the paper “Professional emotional neutrality and the role of background emotion work in the slaughterhouse”

A Climate of (De-)Civilization – Programme published

International Conference from March 12-14, 2025 at TU Dortmund University
Poster of the conference

Marcel Sebastian on science communication in 'Mundo'

Marcel Sebastian reports on his work in science communication
Cover of Mundo, issue 35-2024, on the Cover you can see Dr. Marcel Sebastian who holds an illustrated speech bubble in his hand

Research Forum

Environmental Sociology & Transformation in the Winter Semester 2024/2025
Program of the research forum

CfP "A Climate of (De-)Civilization?"

Conference "A Climate of (De-)Civilization?", TU Dortmund University, March 12-14, 2025
Poster of the conference "A Climate of (De-)Civilization?"

Yunus Emre Özer visiting Dortmund

Guest lecturer from Turkey visits research area
Marcel Sebastian, Yunus Emre Özer, Bernd Sommer, Sarah von Querfurth, Kerrin Langer and Jule Wilberg (from left) standing on campus

Welcome, Kerrin Langer!

Kerrin Langer supports the team and research
Kerrin Langer vor unscharfem Hintergrund, wie sie in die Kamera lacht.

Research Forum

Environmental Sociology & Transformation in the Summer Semester 2024
Program Poster of the research forum

Research Department contributes to SRU Discussion Paper

Jonas Lage and Bernd Sommer involved in the development of an SRU discussion paper on 'Sufficiency'
Cover of the SRU discussion paper

Dortmund's Environmental Sociology strengthens the Journal "Soziologie und Nachhaltigkeit (SuN)"

Bernd Sommer as new co-editor, Marcel Sebastian as new member of the editorial team
Logo der Zeitschrift "Soziologie und Nachhaltigkeit"

New Research Project "Greening Military?"

VW Foundation funds research project on the tension between defense and climate protection
Vier Militärflugzeuge fliegen Kunstflüge und hinterlassen sichtbare Emissionen

New study on ChatGPT's climate narrative

New article by Bernd Sommer and Sarah von Querfurth on ChatGPT and climate change
ChatGPT Logo

CfP "Classification of Animals"

Panel at the DGS Conference Osnabrück, 23-25.09.2024
Screenshot of the Call for Papers for the panel

Marcel Sebastian in the KURT-Podcast "Voices of TU"

... talking about working at TU Dortmund University, human-animal relationships and the socio-ecological crises
Teaserbild des Podcasts "Voices of TU" mit Marcel Sebastian

Marcel Sebastian at "Hamburger Horizonte"

Dr. Marcel Sebastian in a discussion with Katrin Böhning-Gaese and Hans Leo Bader about species extinction, the rights of nature and the complicated…
Marcel Sebastian, Katrin Böhning-Gaese and Hans Leo Bader in conversation with host Stephanie Rohde